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A site dedicated to Cincinnati's Over the Rhine neighborhood.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Streetcar/Rail Transit History Article in Enquirer

There's a great article published in the Enquirer today about Cincinnati's rail history. The article points out the importance of investing in rail transit for economic development for current and future generations. It also points out the fact that rail transit projects have faced opposition in the past much like the opposition the current streetcar project is facing now. Much of this opposition was short sited and ignored important facts. These voices are what led to the demise of our almost completed subway system. This article does a good job explaining why we can't let these same voices destroy our chances of getting rail transit back in to the heart of the city with the Cincinnati Streetcar project. There's also a couple of nice pictures to go along with the read. Check it out!
Read for yourself here.

Also, keep an eye out for this book to be released this month about the history of the Cincinnati inclines. Its called "The Inclines of Cincinnati" and its written by Melissa Kramer, who's quoted in the article above for the research she's done on this fascinating part of Cincinnati history.

1 comment:

Randy Simes said...

Thanks for sharing this interesting article.

Must See Streetcar Report