Welcome to Somewhere Over the Rhine

A site dedicated to Cincinnati's Over the Rhine neighborhood.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Vintage Union Terminal Documentary

This is a must see documentary made in 1980 called "Died Young." Its kind of a depressing title for a film about such an amazing piece of art deco architecture, but the film itself is not depressing at all. In fact its overall message is quite positive. I really enjoyed watching this. Theres tons of old footage from when it was first built all the way up to when it was shut down. Also, it has a good narrative that tells the history of the terminal quite well. It really seems like a much older documentary then it really is I think in part because the narrator talks in a very 1940s news reel style. Its definitely fun to watch, check it out!
Union Terminal Documentary


mvoss said...
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Heidi said...

Terrific film and a heck of a history lesson. I fell in love with the passion of the people of cincinnati. There is an unusual zest for community here. It would be a great experience for people to use the Union Terminal again someday for mass transit or rail service. The unique design of the terminal is timeless and the economic and environmental times require us to drive-less!

mvoss said...

Watch the epilogue. Even during the time the station was abandoned they talked about the gas shortage and air pollution as reasons to return to rail travel. Also the terminal was fitted for an air strip and street cars! These were never used but testament to the incredible scale of the project. You really should watch this video its great. Union Terminal is really something to be proud of.

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